What's the time diference between San Francisco and Tokyo?
San Francisco is in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone which is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT -08:00). Tokyo is 9 hours ahead (GMT +9:00).
At any moment in San Francisco it is 17 hours later in Tokyo, or 7 hours earlier the next day. (e.g. I am writing at 5:00 pm PST on Thursday, while it is 10:00 am on Friday in Japan.)
What's the time diference between San Francisco and Tokyo?
i think seven hours..
The easiest way to tell what time it is in Tokyo if you're in San Fransisco (though you'll have to read the caveat below) is to add five hours to the time in SF and switch from AM to PM or vice-versa. For example, if it's 1 pm in SF, you add five hours to get 6 pm, then switch the pm to am and you have the answer: 6 am.
If you want to go from Tokyo time to SF time, simply subtract five hours and switch the am to pm or vice versa.
Now for the caveat I mentioned before. Japan does not use Daylight Saving Time. So when people in the U.S. set their clocks ahead one hour in April, people in Japan do not. Therefore, during DST, the five hour change gets shortened to four.
Friday, September 16, 2011
What's the time diference between San Francisco and Tokyo?
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