Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's your favorite thing about Japan?

What's your favorite thing about Japan?
The fact that people in Japan really look out for each other - there is a strong sense of community and mutual obligation.

And the food of course!
What's your favorite thing about Japan?
the eyes
the eyes
the women, MOount Fuji, and the monster movies,of course the climate and history, and they have a complete reproduction of the town of Amsterdam, or some city in Holland, seems there was a famous Dutch doctor visited Japan maybe three centuries ago, and brought them medicine and teaching the Japanese love the Dutch,
the noodles
Konami, the video game company that gave (and still gives) the world the "Castlevania" series is located there!
The food - yakitori, ramen, sushi, tenpura. The cool districts of Shinjuku and Shibuya. wandering through Kyoto. riding the shinkansen. beaches of Okinawa. the fascinating contrasts of antiquity and modernity.
the best service in the world, it is very safe to go anywhere, promptness, trains, food, countryside
I live in Okinawa on an AF Base, and I love the Japanese people. They're so quiet, reserved, polite, and respectful - even to us burley, obnoxious Americans!

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