Friday, October 7, 2011

Whats the best hostel in tokyo?

Whats the best hostel in tokyo?
?I don't know about the BEST hostel, but one good and reasonable hostel is The Tokyo International in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

TEL:03-3235-1107 FAX:03-3267-4000

Centeral Plaza 18F, 1-1, Kaguragashi,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

It's in a good location! They even speak English, very helpful. You can get breakfast for 400 yen and dinner for 800 yen, not bad. The hostel price is 3500 yen, again not bad especially for Shinjuku. It's a minute walk from the station, that's great! Please note: they do close from 12/29-1/3 "This YH is in the center of Tokyo and easy access to sightseeing spots in and around Tokyo. The room is a single sex dormitory style, however, there are rooms for family and group. The YH commands a superb view from each room and especially a night view is must to see. Guests can eat salad as much as they like for supper. There are many international guests and therefore it is ideal for the place of an international exchange." (Make sure to check out what all the symbols mean. They have lots to offer!)

Take a look at the sites and decide for yourself. Hope this is helpful!?
Whats the best hostel in tokyo?
Be sure to check out, they list and have details and photos of hostels in Tokyo that cost less than 25 dollars. Their Tokyo page is below. Happy Travels!
Be sure to check out, they list and have details and photos of hostels in Tokyo that cost less than 25 dollars. Their Tokyo page is below. Happy Travels!

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